AGROINDUSTRIAL IGUATEMI EIRELI operates in the domestic and foreign meat market
We are a reference in the processing and commercialization of this source of animal protein, due to a solid administration combined with an experienced management service.We have an intelligent distribution logistics that allows us to deliver quality food to our customers.Constantly inspected by MAPA veterinarians (SIF 1440), we have strict quality control of all processes: slaughter, cooling, deboning, storage and shipment, etc.
All meat exported by our company has the SISBOV (Brazilian Bovine Origin Identification and Certification System) traceability system, which is the set of actions, measures and procedures adopted to characterize the origin, health status, production, productivity of national livestock and the safety of food resulting from this economic exploitation.
This system allows complete tracking of all cattle (born or imported) and products sold, from the farm to their availability in the supermarket, guaranteeing the origin and reliability of what we offer.
We believe that sustainability should be part of all stages of the production chain, which is why our commitment goes far beyond offering a safe and quality product.
Through sustainable livestock practices, our suppliers obey strict raw material purchasing policies and, therefore, we are able to add value to our product, providing excellent food, while transmitting socio-environmental principles that make a difference for the future.
We think sustainably in all parts of production, from slaughtering to transporting the product, today more than ever we have to think about the sustainability of the production chain, this process is very careful and it gives us the security that all our products will be 100% quality.
ANIMAL WELFARE: Concern for the well-being of animals is a constant in our midst. By executing protocols that ensure them a great quality of life.The measures adopted, from transport to handling inside the slaughterhouse, are carried out to minimize any and all animal discomfort. Meat quality is directly impacted by animal welfare practices from the moment it is loaded onto the truck until the moment it is slaughtered. And this directly influences the quality of our products, which is why I think a lot about animal welfare, because in order to have a quality product, you have to think about it at the beginning of everything.
Warranty & Liability
One of our hallmarks is the delivery of extremely high quality products by constantly investing in technology. With a team of trained and qualified professionals, our goal is to provide a good experience for our customers and, by assuming this commitment, we strive to strictly follow all the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture. We are constantly undergoing audits in order to maintain and gain certifications that enable us to supply the domestic market and export to the most demanding buyers.
EXPORT: The international market demands high quality participation and it is in this context that Iguatemi Foods is inserted, adapting production to the requirements of each destination. All meat exported by our company has the SISBOV (Brazilian System of Identification and Certification of Bovine Origin) traceability system, which is the set of actions, measures and procedures adopted to characterize the origin, health status, production, productivity of national livestock and safety. of food from this economic exploitation.This system allows complete tracking of all cattle and products sold, from the farm to their availability in the supermarket, guaranteeing the origin and reliability of what we offer. The international market demands high quality and it is in this context that IguatemiFoods is inserted, adapting production to the requirements of each destination.